The Excellence Project

“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development afforded the individual.”

– Albert Einstein

American talent is an untapped resource. We aim to change that.

The American education system fails to cultivate the talents of too many advanced learners. Millions of talented students go unidentified. America has a reservoir of untapped potential.  

high potential US students missed

Too many bright students in the US do not have the opportunity to thrive.

Bright students face many obstacles that impede their ability to reach their full potential. A 2016 study from Purdue University found that as many as 3.6 million talented students are never identified for participation in advanced learning opportunities. Even when they are identified, they often lack access to accelerated learning and enrichment programming.

Invest in American Talent

When we invest in our best and brightest, we all benefit. Join us in our efforts to create an education system that encourages talented students from all walks of life the opportunity to reach their full potential. 

Our Work


We produce timely research on the issues impacting our brightest learners. This research informs our future advocacy strategies.

city salt lake, utah, capitol


We advocate for changes to public policy that will help our brightest students succeed. We write and promote public policies that encourage more students to be identified and eliminate the barriers that prevent them from reaching their full potential.

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